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LocalLender.Info values and respects your privacy. We will not collect any personally identifiable information from you (name, home address, phone number, email address) without first asking for your permission.

In order to provide you with the accurate information and limit your exposure to advertising, LocalLender.Info uses cookies to track your progression throughout our web site. A cookie is a text file that we place on your computer that allows us to tell if you have visited us in the past or have completed certain requested tasks, such as filling out our survey forms. These cookies do not collect personally identifiable information about you, and they do not cause any harmful activity within your computer system. Cookies are a widely accepted form of tracking web site activity and are likely used by the many of web sites you currently visit. Third parties may also be placing and reading cookies on your browser, or using web beacons to collect information, in the course of ads being served on LocalLender.Info. If you would like to modify how your Internet Explorer browser accepts/handles cookies, perform the following steps:

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In order to improve our web site, we may occassionaly ask for your feedback. The surveys will never ask for your name, home address or phone number, but may ask for your age, gender, income, city and state of residence. Any surveys that ask for such information are completely optional and are not required for you to use our web site.

Content Related Questions
At times we may ask that you provide us with your desired financial product that you are seeking (i.e. 'mortgage', 'credit card', 'car loan') before proceeding into certain areas of our web site. The answers to such simple questions would be used to deliver content and advertising targeted to your specific financial product needs. Such questions will never ask for personally identifiable information.

Newsletters and Special Offers
At times we may ask if you wish to receive newsletters or wish to receive relevant product/service offers from our preferred partners. If you wish to receive such information, you will be asked to provide your name and email address.

Product Inquiry Forms
At times you may be presented with the opportunity to fill out forms that will allow you to request information on specific financial products. In order for financial institutions to contact you regarding such products, these forms will ask for personally identifiable information, which may include, but are not limited to, your name, address, phone number, income and employment information. You will be notified if such information is required to complete a product inquiry form.

Collecting Information From Minors
LocalLender.Info will not willfully collect any personally identifiable information from individuals under the age of eighteen (18).

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